
╔═════════ ☽•°⛥°•☾ ═════════╗Disclaimer:I'm NOT (!) the Person on the Pic!
The Bluesky/Minds/Mastodon Account associated with this Site
is for Role Play purposes ONLY!
The Person on the Picture is in NO WAY (!)
affiliated with me, the Owner and Writer
of the associated Bluesky/Minds/Mastodon Account!
Statements, Opinions and Actions are
at no time (!) related to the real person
who is used as the FC!
Interactions with people from Real Life are
NOT (!) desired and RL Accounts will be
blocked without exception!
Beware:The associated Bluesky/Minds/Mastodon Account is not
suitable for minors nor for RPs with them!
The content is strictly aimed at adults!
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Social Media Links:Bluesky: Seth “Demon” Blake
Mastodon: Seth “Demon” Blake
Minds Seth “Demon” Blake

» Content/Character Tags:
#RP #OC #MV #Supernatural #PresentTime #Mature #Dark #TriggerWarning #MDNI
» Type of Character: OC
» Verse/Fandom: Fandomless
» Face Claim: Stephen James Hendry
» Artist: -

» Code Name: -
» Alias: Demon
» Name: Blake
» First Name: Seth
» Species: Human
» Age: 36
» Gender: Male
» Blood Type: 0
» Voice: Deep and dark Voice with a slightly rough undertone
» Height: 6'1 ft | 1,86 m
» Sexuality: Hetero
» Weaknesses: Typical for a human
» Occupation: Ex-Mafia Contract Killer, Bouncer (Mainly) at the Blue Moon Nightclub, Hunter (unofficially)» Weapons: UC M48 Falcon Karambit Knife (4), McMillan TAC-50 12,7 x 99 mm (C15 LRSW), (additional equipment: Silencer Type BR Tuote T8M and 16x Leupold Telescopic Sight)

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Personality Assessment

Patient, outgoing (mostly), calm, serenely, charming, very self-controlled, can be very protective, can be moody at times, sarcastic, unpredictable, calloused when it comes to violence (with strangers), cold-blooded, sneaky, cunning and merciless» Likes: Reading Books, Cats, teasing, flirting, exercising, cooking, wearing comfortable clothes, challenging, etc.» Dislikes: Boredom, being disturbed while reading, smartass who only have a big mouth, clothes that are too tight, etc.


› Past:• One might think that Seth grew up in an unstable household and environment, but the opposite was true. His family is very moneyed, although not rich.
However, at the age of 12 he kept running away from home because couldn't stand it anymore.
This went on for about one year until he finally managed to elude the Police because he had learned very quickly from his previous mistakes.
• His intelligence and cunning helped him survive on the streets in the years that followed and continued to evade the Police.• After about 2 years, he was accidentally found by a member of the local mafia when he was seriously ill.
The man nursed him back to health and, after Seth passed the many tests for recruitment, also became his mentor.
• A good school education was important to his Boss, which is why he sent Seth to a special non-official School. In addition to the typical school education, Seth was also taught early on in tactical close combat and the use of various weapons, as well as in the medical field for self-sufficiency in emergencies.
In short, he was trained to be a killer at an early age.
Nothing more is known.
• He finished his School with very good grades.• By the time he was 22, he was officially a member of the Mafia and made a deal with the Boss if he ever wanted out. In the beginning Seth did errands, collect money and when he had worked his way up, the first commissioned murders came.• Occasionally it was his job to torture people to get information, which earned him the nickname Demon over time, since he was extremely brutal on occasion. But also because of the Demon Face on his back, since he preferred to act shirtless in front of his victims during tortures.• During the 13 years that he worked for the Mafia, he also came into contact with the supernatural, but never spoke about it. If his opponent happened to be a supernatural being, he gladly accepted the challenge.
Over time, he came into possession of many different records of Hunters about various supernatural beings.
• After 13 years, he left the Mafia because he had literally bought his freedom over time and through many dangerous assignments.
He then moved to another city where no one knew him.


› Present Time:• Despite his usual cold demeanor, he can also be very charming. He is a true gentleman, especially towards women, even if he rarely shows any real interest in a woman.
However, this interest is usually short-lived.
• Seth isn't the type to mix work and personal life either. In fact, he draws a very strict line between them.
Especially with the women in the nightclub, where he occasionally works as a bouncer.
• He has been working full-time as an Bouncer in the Blue Moon Nightclub for a year now. Seth also works as a Nounty Hunter under certain conditions. He receives his orders via a special and highly secured app. Which is also the reason why he doesn't know who his clients are. However, he decides for himself whether he accepts orders or not, unless he is specifically requested.• Actually, he doesn't need a second job because he still has enough financial reserves from his time in the Mafia.• Seth is a cat person and has a certain admiration for these animals.
Interestingly, cats also seem to be very attracted to him, probably because he gives them space and doesn't impose himself on them.
• He lives in a house in the outskirts of town and takes care of two cats that has run up to him, who were in a pitiful state at the time.
Both cats are female, one black (Midnight) with beautiful blue eyes and the other (Sancta) light silver gray with a beautiful black coat pattern (small black spots) and gooseberry green eyes.
• He drives a black Pickup Truck with the head of the Cat Goddess Bastet painted silver on the hood.

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Blue Moon Nightclub

› General:

The owner of Blue Moon Nightclub is a woman known only by the name Bastet. Whether this is her real name or just a nickname is unknown.
There is also a rumor that she is Bastet, the Egyptian goddess who also bears the title Eye of the Moon. But who knows what is true and what isn't.
The club itself is actually quite unspectacular, not to say like most.
A large dance floor and a smaller strip floor.
However, one thing sets it apart from the others.
The club has a total of three guest areas, of which only two are open to the public.
The third area is intentionally hidden as it is home to supernatural beings, with the staff being human. There is also a separate entrance to this area, which is by design. However, that does not mean that this area is self-sufficient, no, it was separated from the rest by an inconspicuous door, which is usually only used by staff. That door is also guarded from both sides.
Nevertheless, it can happen, fortunately only very rarely, that someone entered the other realm. In most cases something like this is noticed very quickly and the person is then brought back.
Persons or supernatural beings who leave their area are internally referred to as runners by the bouncer staff.


More comming soon...

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› General:

Above-average intelligence, very high perception, photographic memory, specializing in some tactical
close combat techniques,
specializing in combat with cutting and stabbing weapons,
trained in handling small and large caliber guns, partial medical training for self-sufficiency
in an emergency

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» Family: No Informations available

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══════ ☽•°°•☾ ══════__Disclaimer:
__ I'm NOT (!) the Person on the Pic!
The Bluesky/Minds Account associated with this Site is for Role Play purposes ONLY!
The Person on the Picture is in NO WAY (!) affiliated with me, the Owner and Writer of the associated Bluesky/Minds Account!
Interactions with people from Real Life (RL) are NOT (!) desired and RL Accounts are blocked without exception!
This Account is not suitable for minors nor for RPs with them!
The content is strictly aimed at adults!
══════ ☽•°1°•☾ ══════Faceclaim (FC)Meaning: My muse looks like the person used as FC without being that person.Note: Statements, Opinions and Actions are at no time related to the real person who is used as the FC!══════ ☽•°2°•☾ ══════How I write• "...Text..." → In Character talk 1
• '...Text...' → In Character Shapeshifter 1
• ...Text... → What the Character is doing
• [...Text...] → Thoughts in Character
• //...Text... → Out of Character (OoC)
1 Pls don't take everything so serious when I'm in Character! Thx!══════ ☽•°3°•☾ ══════Writer vs MuseKeep in mind that Words, Actions, as well as Behavior, Personality, Personal Views, or Opinions of my Muse are not a personal representation of me, the Writer and the used FC.IC is different from OoC!My Muse has their own Personality and Life Experience and will act according to their past experiences, their own personality and the situation.══════ ☽•°4°•☾ ══════Drama = Block› Don't involve/drag me (the Writer) in stupid unnecessary Drama, I've had enough of that in the past.
If there is something that bothers you then talk to me directly in the DM.
If you do it regardless, I will block you without warning.
› Don't accuse me (the Writer) of anything without first talking to me personally.
As an example, never accuse me of copying another Muse just because I use the same FC and without first taking a good look at my Muse!
If you do it nevertheless, you will be blocked without warning.
══════ ☽•°5°•☾ ══════Punctuations, Speech & ActionPlease put at least a little bit effort in your replies and keep your speech and actions separated. Thx!══════ ☽•°6°•☾ ══════OpenRP & Specific Starters› OpenRP: I don't always write OpeneRP in a post. The reasons for this are that I am sometimes too lazy to write it in or simply need the space because I want to leave it at one post.› Specific Starters: In the case of plotted SLs, the post is set to "Only mentioned persons can reply".
Unfortunately, it has happened in the past that unwanted (harmless) reactions occurred.
══════ ☽•°7°•☾ ══════My DMsAre mostly open for OoC talk.
Please ask beforehand if I want to RP in my DMs.
You can also hit me up there if you have any questions about a RP or my Muse.
Pls accept & respect that I preffer to RP on the TL. Thx!══════ ☽•°8°•☾ ══════How descriptive I am?I'm semi descriptive til descriptive.
It depends on my mood & inspiration!
══════ ☽•°9°•☾ ══════Ships w/ChemNo focus on that.
Talk with me about that beforehand!
#MultiShip (#MS) means for me different Timelines/Story's and not one!
If you don't like my ship/s and you can't respect it, you'd better go.
══════ ☽•°10°•☾ ══════Flirt, Lewd, Erotic & NsfwFlirt: Possible that my Muse will tease your Muse in a flirty way.Lewd: This Account is not a lewd Account!!Erotic: No focus on it and only with Ship.Forced or even the attempt will not be tolerated and will result in a block.
I have certain limits, please ask them beforehand!!!
My muse doesn't exist to satisfy your sexual needs or fantasy!Nsfw: Doesn't always mean Erotic, it means also Mature and Dark themed stuff.══════ ☽•°°•☾ ══════

╔════ ☽•°⛥°•☾ ════╗Seth doesn't have
a ship/s yet.
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╔═════ ☽•°⛥°•☾ ═════╗Experienced Writer
Female | 35+
Writer tag:#NariRP
Timezone: CET
First Language: German
Bluesky: NariRP
Carrd Site: Nari Writer
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